Saturday, 8 March 2025

Flash Fic Challenge: Moonrise


“Half an hour to moonrise,” Danny yelled over the music blasting from the speakers. “Time to park up!”


Tom craned his neck and checked all the mirrors. There was nothing but dusty road and dustier outback for miles around, so he simply pulled over and parked the truck on the side of the road. Slim Dusty's Dieseline Dreams cut off with the engine, leaving only silence.


Danny and Tom both hopped out. Danny shucked off his shirt and tossed it back into the truck cabin along with his shoes. Tom was quick to follow suit, and then, in only loose shorts, they locked the truck up and moved a few paces clear, faces turned to the eastern sky.


The moon rose, and everything changed.


When the dust settled again, two wolves stood where the men had been, having squirmed out of the shorts in the change.


Danny play-bowed.


Tom pounced, and the two werewolves went rolling, running, and playing into the night, tongues lolling out in silent laughter.

1 comment:

Jeff Baker said...

Oh, that's fun! And sweet! (Usually one doesn't get to say that about a werewolf story!) I'll post it in a bit!